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R.T. (Ted) Abrahamson, PE, RPLS
CEO, Principal Engineer & Surveyor
In Memoriam


Graduate - Amarillo High School, Amarillo, Texas; 1948.

Certificate - Chief X-Ray Technician, U.S. Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; 1952.

Diploma - Associate of Science, Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas; 1954.

Degree - Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering, Majored in Highway, Hydraulics and Structures, Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Texas; 1957.

Degree - Bachelor of Business Administration, Majored in Government and Management, West Texas State College, Canyon, Texas; 1963.

Graduate Work - 15 Hours, Majored in Government and Management, West Texas State College, Canyon, Texas.

Seminars - 84 Seminars attended in field of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Seminar/School in Fire Causes & Origins.


Expert Witness Testimony: Federal, State, County and Municipal Courts.

Areas of Expertise include:

Accident Reconstruction, Product Liability, Fire Cause & Origin, Railroad Grade Crossing, Geometric Roadway Design, Roadway

Illumination, Highway & Work Zone Safety, Roadway Design, Usage & Capacity, Human Factors, Driver Performances Subrogation

Assessment, Hydraulics, Hydrology & Drainage, Tire/Vehicle Marks, Pavement Design & Drainage, Traffic Control Devices,

Pavement Skid Resistance, Traffic Control - Construction - Work Zones, Planning & Zoning, Vehicle Lamp On-Off Examination

Clientele: Plaintiffs - 62% Defendants - 38%

Worked in twenty-eight different States, including Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, and the foreign countries of Canada and Panama.

Litigation Cases: 1972 - .

Consulting - 612 Trial Preparation - 477 Testimony - 244

Consulting Engineer, Self Employed, Amarillo, Texas; 1972 - .

Instructor - Economics; Instructor - Traffic Signal Installations, Operation and Maintenance,Amarillo College,Amarillo, Texas;1968 - 1969.

Engineering Consultant; 1960 - .

City Traffic Engineer, City of Amarillo, Texas; 1964 - 72.

Assistant Traffic Engineer, City of Amarillo, Texas; 1957 - 64.

Engineering Draftsman, Hygeia Sprinkler Company, Lubbock, Texas; 1955 - 57.

Engineering Draftsman, U.S. Air Force, Amarillo, Texas; 1954 - 55.

Engineering Research Committee; 1996 - .


Registered Professional Engineer, State of Texas, No. 19071; 1960 - .

Registered Professional Land Surveyor, State of Texas, No. 2964; 1980 - .


Life Member, National Society of Professional Engineers; National, Texas and Panhandle Chapter; 1959 - .

State Director, Texas Society of Professional Engineers; 1981 - 85.

President, Panhandle Chapter, Texas Society of Professional Engineers; 1969 - 70.

Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers; National, Texas Section and High Plains Branch; 1957 - .

Member, ASCE Engineering Ethics Committee; 1992 - 1996.

Member, ASCE Technical Council on Forensic Engineering Research Committee; 1996 - .

Fellow and Life Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers; National, District 9 and Texas Section; 1960 - .

Member, 1986 - , International Director, 1986 - 91, Secretary-Treasurer, 1990, Chairman, International Board of Directors, 1991 & 1998 - Vice-Chair, 1994, Expert Witness Council, Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Member, Expert Witness Panel, International ITE Meeting, New Orleans; 1985.

Editor, Expert Witness Council Newsletter, Institute of Transportation Engineers' Journal; 1986 - 1990.

Member, 1964 - , Chairman, 1990 - 1994, International Technical Council, ITE, Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings; Traffic Operations at or near Highway-Rail Grade Crossings.

Member, International Technical Council, ITE, Sight Restrictions at Intersections and Driveways (5B-29); 1988 - 1991.

Member, ITE Task Force -- Professional Engineering Ethics Committee; 1991 - .

Presider and Speaker, Expert Witness Technical Session: "Preparing Yourself To Be An Expert Witness", International ITE Meeting, Denver; 1995.

Member, ITE U.S. Legislative & Policy Committee; 1995 - .

Member, ITE Annual Technical Program Meeting Committee; 1995 - .

Member, ITE Coordinating Council; 1996 - .

Member, ITE Leadership Forum; 1996 - .

Moderator, Ethics and Credibility Panel, International ITE Meeting, Toronto, Canada; 1998.

Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Texas Section, Legislative Committee on "Driving Under the Influence" (DUI) and "Driving While Intoxicated" (DWI), 1992 - .

Chair, Expert Witness Committee, Texas Section, Institute of Transportation Engineers; 1993 - .

Professional Member, American Society of Safety Engineers; National, Regional and Panhandle Chapter; 1972 .

Professional Member, Construction Specifications Institute; National, Regional and Amarillo Chapter; 1972 - .

President, Amarillo Chapter, Construction Specifications Institute; 1982 - 83.

Member, Building Board of Appeals, City of Amarillo, Texas; 1978 - 82.

Member, Texas Good Roads/Transportation Association; 1979 - .

Listed in "Who's Who" in Engineering in America and in the Southwest.

Member, National Forensic Center; 1984 - .

Member, Texas Society of Professional Surveyors; 1984 - .

National Academy of Forensic Engineers Member (Fellow) and Board Certified Diplomate No. 241 in Forensic Engineering by NAFE, accredited by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards; 1986 - .

Member, NAFE Forensic Engineering Ethics Committee; 1993 - 1996.

Member, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; 1988 - ; Expert Consultant for the Surface Transportation Technical Group; 1998 -

Member and Midwestern Regional Advisor, Investigative Engineers Association; 1992 - , Instructor, Traffic Accident Reconstruction Seminar for Professional Engineers, April, 1994 (20 CEUs).


Author of two cases in Modern Trials, Second Edition, by Melvin M. Belli, Sr., 1982, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota 55156. Vol. 1, pp. 12-13, 228-237.

Editor/Author of "News from the Expert Witness Council" in the ITE Journal from December, 1987 to May 1991.

Author/Presenter of Preparing Yourself to Be An Expert Witness, "Experts, Contracts, Fees and Collections" at the 65th ITE Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, August 5 - 8, 1995. Published in the 1995 Compendium of Technical Papers by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C.

Author of "An Expert's Qualifications", a two-part series published in The I-ENG-A Report, The Newsletter of Investigative Engineering by Investigative Engineers Association, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; July 1995 and August 1995.


Randall County Grand Jury; 1968.

Safety Chairman, Elementary and Jr. High Schools; 1969 - 70.

Rotary International, Senior Active; 1972 - ; Received "PAUL HARRIS FELLOW"; 1996.

Amarillo Girl Scout Council Board of Directors; 1975 - 80.

Chairman, Buffalo Lake Water District; 1983 - 1988.

Executive Vice President, Buffalo Lake Heritage Association, Inc.; 1983 - 1986.

Member, Amarillo Chamber of Commerce; 1984 - .

Member, 1964 - ; Chairman, Chamber of Commerce Highway Committee; 1985 - 86.

Member, Texas Good Roads/Transportation Association; 1982 - .

Founding/Organizing President and Chairman, 1993 - 94, Member, 1993 - , Board of Directors, Amarillo College Ex-Students Association.

Boy Scouts of America: Cub Scout (Webelos), Boy Scout (Eagle), Explorer Scout (Woodsman),

First Head Chief, Kwahadi Indian Dancers, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Explorer Advisor, District Committee Chairman, Council Awards Chairman, Scouter's Award, Scouter's Key, Vigil Member - Order of the Arrow, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver Award, Almost 60 Year Veteran Award and Life Member, National Eagle Scout Association, Board of Directors of Eighty Scouts, Inc.; 1964 - , Executive Committee & Operating Committee; 1978 -, Vice-President; 1986, Woodbadger; 1972 - , Woodbadge Course Director; 1983, Member - Golden Spread Council Executive Board; 1991 - 1994.


U.S. Army Medical Service; Sep., 1951 - Aug., 1953: Chief X-Ray Technician; U.S. Main Hospital, Yokohama, Japan.

Life Member: American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Disabled American Veterans.

Government Top Security Clearance; 1954 - .

President, Amarillo City Federal Credit Union; 1962.

Chairman, Accident Review Board, City of Amarillo, Texas; 1965; 1966.

President, Dale Carnegie Class; 1968.

Member, National Federation of Independent Business; 1983 - .

Member, Westminster Presbyterian Church; 1957 - , Junior High Sunday School Teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, Deacon/Trustee.

Member, Amarillo Club, 1975 - .

Honored by the SENATE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS with a Wall Certificate for "Dedication and Commitment to Scouting" -- (50 years) by Senator Teel Bivins, December 27, 1989.

Member, Panhandle Claims Association; 1992 - .

Honored by the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce Business Council as one of "Amarillo's Top Ten Small Businesses" in the Amarillo Area, 1995.

Honored by Scouting Leadership for his 56 years of service and contributions with the

"R.T. ABRAHAMSON AWARD" for the "OUTSTANDING SCOUT", whereon each year the name of the recipient scout is engraved, 1995.